Chronicles of my insanity

Monday, May 14, 2007

Glutton for Punishment

As predicted, I have a touch of the post-race blues. This past weekend, I felt like a sloth because I didn't get up at 6am and go swim in Aquatic Park and run 6 miles with the team. (Trainings are still going on because several folks are doing races later this month and in June). I did take a nice leisurely 5 mile loop through the Presidio, though. My, how my standards of sloth changed recently!

To ward off the blues, Chris and I have been investigating the next Tri we could do. His Death Ride is on July 14th. He'll be in tip-top bike shape at that point, so we thought we'd do a relay at the Vineman up in Sonoma this August. Hoping we can wrangle a few friends to join us, rent a house up in wine country, and make a fun weekend of it.

Anyone care to join us?

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