Chronicles of my insanity

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Come On in the Water's Fine!

Well, okay, only if you define "fine" as:
  • 53 degrees
  • 2 foot visibility
  • Full of a greenish-black scum
Today we had a first open water swim at Aquatic Park. I have never swum there before. It's a location I have always associated with "crazy people," i.e., Polar Bear Club swimmers (who swim without a wetsuit in any temperature water) and people training for open-water swims and triathlons. So Saturday I officially became a crazy person.

The water is so cold that is takes your breath away for a few minutes. Once you start swimming, you body starts to warm up. Then you hands start to bend all funny and go numb. Then you can't feel your feet. And then, as the cold water seeps into your swim cap and ears, you start to get dizzy. Then the rest of your body goes numb. And that's when you get into your rhythm and start enjoying the swim, if you can believe it.

I had a conference that I had to go to for work after the workout. The plan was to go directly from the swim there. But upon wiping my face with a white towel and seeing a big greenish-black spot let of it, I thought better of it. A quick hot shower brought the feeling back to my hands and I was good to go.

I actually am looking forward to more open-water swimming!