Chronicles of my insanity

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I've been so consumed the last few weeks with starting my new job and dealing with all the stuff that comes with ending one chapter of your life and opening another that I haven't really given much thought to the fact that we are now officially tapering. (My new job is great so far. It's at WestEd, an educational research organization here in SF.) And now that I am more or less settling in there (read: can now find my desk without getting lost after going to the bathroom), I am starting to get itchy and nervous.

This past weekend, we went down to LA to visit some friends from Germany who were in town. I ate a lot of meat and lounged on the beach quite a bit. I did manage to get some HOT training in. We did a 45 minute run in the 95 degree heat. It was just enough to remind me how much the heat affects me, so that wasn't terribly encouraging. Yesterday I swam for only 20 minutes, per the training schedule.

I keep thinking I'm going to get out of shape, gain weight, or forget how to ride my bike. It's strange how difficult it is to NOT workout. But, I have done all the hard work already, and I can't cram for the race, like I would for an exam. So I guess all I can do is go along for the rollercoaster of a ride that my mind likes to take me on.

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