Chronicles of my insanity

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Will, Kate, Panic and Updates.

This morning, I woke up feeling pretty good about training.  We still have several weeks before the race and I felt like everything is within grasp if I just apply myself a little longer.  Being all confident and all, I ignored the email in my inbox about this weeks training and went straight to one entitled The Royal Wedding Update.  (Yes, I get updates about important news events like this.  So what?)

I am, sadly, very excited about seeing ol' Will and Kate walk down the aisle.  And I'm a little torn apart by the fact that said event is on the same day as Wildflower weekend.  (I'm working on some scheme to download it to my iPad and watch in the car on the way down there.  Pack the tissues, Eileen!)  Anyhow, the interwebs are all abuzz with their upcoming nuptials.  "William is apparently nervous.  The blessed event is only 22 days away."  *eyes come to screeching halt* WHAT?  22 days to the wedding.  That means 22 days to my race.  PANIC PANIC PANIC!

Now suitably in the proper frame of mind (panic), I realized that this is peak training week, and I really don't have very much time left to prepare.  And the fact that my plantar fascitis is rearing its ugly head, and my tailbone injury is haunting me one again, are all legitimate reasons to freak out.

I've calmed myself down since this morning by reading more about the Blessed Event. And I'm starting to see that I've done all the trainings to the best of my ability.  Though  I am nursing a bit of an injury, I went to see the amazing Dr. R who has gotten me through all of my endurance events so I am sure he will get me through this one.  And I do actually still have 3 more weeks of training, which I will definitely be doing diligently (after today, 'cause I'm skipping training right now. Shhhh.)

I am still pretty unsure about my ability to finish this race, but you know what could help?  A donation to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I'm just shy of my goal of $3000.  Can you help me cross the finish line?

Anyhow, you probably don't want see any more pictures of Will and Kate (or maybe you do -- download the app!).  But here's a quick trip down memory lane of some recent trainings.

Running in the rain with Team Awesome.

We do goofy things like simulating a mass swim start.  My friend Todd swam on top of me and push my head down under the water.  Thanks, Todd!

Here we are being crazy by swimming in the SF Bay.  53 in the water.  49 outside.  Neither terribly pleasant.

This little guy got freaked out by all of us splashing around.

That's me looking frozen with the red and white caps on.

This is down at the race site.  We did a practice swim that took an eternity.

Last weekend we had a brutal swim of 3000 meters followed by a 12 mile trail run that include 670+ of these puppies.  It makes me sick just looking at the photo of them.  Ouch.
This is one of my teammates. But this is what I felt like after the run.  Except maybe I was stuffing chocolate chip cookies in my mouth while on the ground.

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