Chronicles of my insanity

Sunday, March 25, 2007

First Solo Bike Ride and Brick

Today was our first Brick (bike/run). Due to an 11am baby shower, I had to forgo the team workout and go out on my own. Now I would actually have to pay attention to where I was going!

I climbed some hills in the Presidio today. These are hills that Chris considers small, easy, and short. I consider them daunting, difficult and long. Clearly we have different standards. Although I had the baby shower as an excuse, I must admit that the idea of biking at 8am before many people, bikes or cars were out on the streets was very appealing -- less probability of humiliation in front of the masses.

I am amazed that people do this bike thing all the time and have no fear. I have absolutely no desire to go fast. I continue to mildly freak out on the downhills, even the slightest ones. I realize this is sort of antithetical to the whole triathlon race thing. But I will add this to my list of "Things that Freak Me Out", and go on with my quest to mark them off during this training process. Meanwhile, I will continue to ride slowly and not be ashamed by the fact that runners sometimes pass me on my bike.

One nice thing today was riding through parts of the Presidio I had never been to before. I think I found the wine caves that I had heard about.

The run was a short one and my legs felt like jelly. That happens, I guess, when you run after you bike for an hour. Is this natural?!

Onward to the next weeks training adventure!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Great Blog. I read it all. I'm sure you'll be riding as well as you write in no time.