Chronicles of my insanity

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Round and Round Begins

Kickoff was last week in Berkeley. It's always a great time and gets me motivated all all fronts. Chris and I mentoring a group this season. We have six great folks, 5 of which are newbies to triathlons, which is very exciting. Hopefully they will have a great season. I know we will do our best to feed them well, at the very least.

Tuesday was the 1st official workout on the schedule. I swam for 30 minutes, and it went relatively well. No major pains in the tailbone area. I love these early swims because we don't have to count laps for distance. We just swim for 30 minutes, and I really love getting lost in the stroke and in the calming feeling of the water. Lots of people hate the repetition of swimming, but I love going round and round, and rotating back and forth, and listening to my breathing.

And today, we had our first coached workout at Kezar. I am happily running with the "Level As" as its plenty challenging, given my fitness level. Also, us slow-pokes have to stick together. I'm convinced that the slower folks are the funnest people to hang out with, anyhow.

I had to cut my run a bit short due to some pain, but nothing too major. Just being cautious.

And in other news, we bought a house today.

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