Chronicles of my insanity

Monday, April 13, 2009

Driving Workout

This weekend I was on SAG (Support and Gear) duty for the bike/run workout. I didn't actually get to ride, but drove the course making sure no one had any problems with their bikes. It was actually really fun because the course is so beautiful. Part of it overlooks Stinson Beach. The day was glorious and it was just great to be up there. First picture is of me and Coach Tom before the ride started. Second one is the view from the course. Amazing!!

I had hoped to get in a nice long run when I got home, but I had failed to eat lunch and ate way too much Easter candy, so was feeling a little loopy. My tailbone also ached from all the sitting, so I took the afternoon off.

Saturday, we had an open water swim at Aquatic Park. It was another glorious day and I had a great time in the water. Here's a pic of us practicing a mass start of the swim. Lots of splashing and kicking.

We have one more hard week of training and then we begin the taper. Ack!!

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