Chronicles of my insanity

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Victory in the New Neighborhood

Today we were to do our peak week long run. I did 7 miles and decided to face the hills of new neighborhood again. This time, I took 2 dollars in cash with me in case I needed a bus ride home. I also took some sports gel and my ipod to keep me entertained. 7 miles at my pace, with hills, can take some time. I set out at 6:25 pm and just wanted to get home before dark.

There is a good steady hill at the beginning of this run. About 1.5 miles. I see people running it all the time and think, god, that looks awful. Turns out its not so bad. To be clear, I did walk one short section. But I cranked my ipod and made it to the top. Then I ran down towards Stern Grove and the beach. Didn't make quite to the water, but it was a nice downhill recovery. And as they say, that which goes down must come up, so a series of steep hills for about 1.5 miles coming back. And then a nice 1 mile cruise down hill home.

I pushed myself on the hills, thinking about the course at Wildflower, which is royal pain in the arse. But I did it, and came home to porkchops, roasted veggies, and turnip greens. Mmmm. Thank you Chris.

Here's the elevation chart of my run today. Nothing to sneeze at.

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