Chronicles of my insanity

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Confessions of a Wimpy Rider

This morning, I woke up and was saddened by the fact that it was sunny and clear.

Today's ride was supposed to be the Alpine Loop + 7 Sisters ride on Mt. Tam. 37 miles, 3700 ft of climbing. The most challenging ride of the season. Our captain had said yesterday that if it were raining, we would not do the ride due to the steep descents on the wet roads. So when I saw the sunshine, I knew I was going to get my butt kicked today. My stomach did little flutters all the way to Larkspur.

Upon arriving, I learned that it was still raining at the top of Mt. Tam and last nights rain had caused a fair amount of rock fall on to the roads. We would not be doing this ride. My heart silently sung. My brain was a little saddened because I knew if I could do Mt. Tam, I would be fine for Wildflower. But my heart of hearts was doing a little dance of joy.

Our ride was still 37 miles, but much less steep. Lots of fun rolling hills, horses, cows, and a wild turkey or two. All and all a great day. I do hope to someday tackle Mt. Tam . . .

My mom sent me a check for "Two Big Juicy Steaks." We will be eating them tonight! (Thanks Mom!)

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