Chronicles of my insanity

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Packing and Peaking

We're coming up on our peak weeks of training. The race is in 3.5 weeks. Ack!

This past weekend we did a very hilly 6 mile run in Tennessee Valley (that's the pic here). It was a gorgeous day!

Then on Sunday, we did a long and hard swim followed by a 36 mile ride from Larkspur to Nicasio. My tailbone was aching badly, my lungs were wheezy, and I was a little bit grumpy from not enough sleep. I was exhausted that night, to say the least. But it was beautiful outside, warm and sunny. So in the end, it was worth it.

In addition to all of the peaking, there was a lot of packing. And unpacking. We moved to our new home in Glen Park, and it has been a constant flow of movement and energy for the last 3 weeks. Every day, I get home from work and immediately start unpacking and organizing. Somewhere in there, I drink a beer. And then we collapse and go to bed. I've manged to get a few good workouts in, but not nearly enough.

Anyhow, I'm trying to focus this week and next and get all of my workouts in. Unfortunately, I woke up this morning with a terrible sore throat and unpleasant feeling all around. Do I push myself or do I rest? We'll see what wins out tonight at our track workout.

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