Chronicles of my insanity

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I've been feeling very sluggish these past few weeks, waking up tired and never fully hitting my stride during the day. I do remember that last year, about this time, I felt the same way. Wondering if I was in over my head, wondering if I could back out.

But then, I have a great few days like this week and feel like I can take on the world. Today, we did a great 6 mile trail run in Marin. There were some tough hills, but the sun was shining and the sky was gorgeous!

Afterwards, we had an Honoree Picnic, where cancer survivors talked about their experiences. I love this part of the season because I am always reminded of why we do Team in Training. In fact, while we were waiting in line for the bathroom, a woman comes up to us and says, "I appreciate all of your fundraising. I wouldn't be here today with out it. Thank you." I was stunned at first. I'm not sure why. Perhaps because she was a total stranger. Perhaps because it took a minute to fully appreciate what she was saying. I smiled and said, "Of course. I'm glad to do it!" Truly, I could train with any group to do a triathlon. But when I meet people like her, or hear about people who suffered through 9 months of chemo, were in induced comas for weeks, or lost loved ones, I know that I am in the right place. The folks who battle cancers are superheros and they inspire me every day.

And speaking of superheros, I have also gotten another boost from my quest to Jello Wrestle for a Cure! I am hopeful that I can raise the money by the end of March. And in anticipation, I have spent many a conversation discussing costume options. Superheros are a popular theme. Wonder Woman, Cat Girl, and a newly created Cheese Girl seems to keep coming up. The Japanese school girl killer from Kill Bill vol. 2 also has a few (male) votes. Joanne votes for Bill Cosby. (I think I will have a hard time pulling that off.)

What do you think?!

1 comment:

J said...

Mel, I am so very proud of you and even prouder that you are going to wrestle in Jello.

My thoughts on the costume--I am concerned about Jello getting into places where no Jello should go. Leland and I think you should go the Nacho Libre route but you might want to consider covering up top. :-)